After what seems like forever we finally have easy access to great live bait again. I’ve had several inshore fishing trips over the last couple of weeks where we started each day loading the livewell with scaled sardines, AKA whitebait. We have put the bait to good use on every trip with excellent bites, fishing mostly around mangrove shorelines on the higher stages of the tides.

We have caught as many as 30 snook in just a few hours with chances at several slot and over slot fish on every trip. I was lucky enough to land my personal best snook with my family on board, that measured over 43”.

The redfish have been biting as well, with lots of fish from about 20”-26”, and a few overslot fish also in the mix.

Some large Jack Crevalles have battled us as well, to round out some great catches on Estero Bay.