Finally getting to sit down and put together the latest fishing report after a crazy week. It was the third day in a row of inshore fishing for my son and I, during his spring break. Joining us on the Wednesday morning adventure were another cousin/nephew and a buddy of mine and his young son. As we worked our way out of Weeks Fish Camp loaded with shrimp, and an exuberant crew, a gorgeous heron saw us off.
We motored to some nearby grass flats and got everybody rigged for some trout fishing. The bite was a bit slow, we got a few mostly small ones up to the boat and had some big bites and swirls, but quickly moved on and headed to the beach for a dual purpose. Once there everybody had a great time as the kids got to play, swim, and do the Sanibel shuffle to their hearts content, as we looked for bait along the shore. We found a few sparse schools, and for the first time in what seems like forever, got a few netfulls of scaled sardines loaded into the forward livewell to mingle with the shrimp. Our prospects for the day jumped significantly with the bait and we got the kids to load up for some serious fishing. Next stop was back into Estero Bay through about the heaviest traffic on the water I’ve seen on the bay, especially for a weekday. It didn’t take long to find a secluded shoreline with good potential though. With the kids taking turns playing in the livewell, getting drinks and food, and occasionally fishing, we start to find a few fish. It starts with a nice flounder.
Then at a nice point, pretty much everyone gets a good hit, and I am able to land a nice 22” Estero Bay redfish.
After working quite a bit more shoreline and a couple of more hits, I am able to get another redfish almost 25”.
As usual the time has flown by all too quick, but we head to try the trout one more time before we have to get off the water. My boy gets the only bite, a drag screaming sailcat that hit the lure he was throwing on his first cast.
It was only a short run from the last spot to the ramp and we were back at the house just before 2 after another great day on Estero Bay!